Order Nr. 107489 ACIDE BRUT MANIFESTO. Didier Mutel.


Number six of the CODE(X) Monograph Series. Translated from the French by Jonathan von Zelowitz, with an Introduction by Timothy Young.

  • Berkeley, California: CODEX Foundation, 2011.
  • 5.5 x 7.75 inches
  • paperback pamphlet
  • 24 pages
  • ISBN: 9780981791463

Price: $25.00  other currencies

Order Nr. 107489

Number six of the CODE(X)+1 Monograph Series. Didier Mutel is a synaesthetic printer focused on the bite of acid on metal, of the metal plate on paper, and of the printed words on the mind. This book discuses the acide brut manifesto and the definition of acide brut, and how acide brut has affected communication, art, war, and love and tenderness.

This book was printed in an edition of 777 copies on the Heidelberg cylinder press at Peter Koch, Printers for the CODEX Foundation.