Table of Contents

Order Nr. 39462 A BLOOMSBURY ICONOGRAPHY. Elizabeth P. Richardson


Winchester: St. Paul's Bibliographies, 1989. 8vo. cloth, dust jacket. xii, 372 pages. First edition. This index provides references to over 700 British and American books, periodicals, and exhibition catalogues that make it possible to find about 4,000 different photographs and works of art relating to Bloomsbury and the Bloomsbury group, including portraits, sketches and photographs of people, places and things. The iconography also references their books and homes, ancestors and close friends, including 34 pages..... READ MORE

Price: $15.00  other currencies  Order nr. 39462

Table of contents


Acknowledgements ............................................x
Introduction ................................................1
   1 Overall Scheme..........................................1
   2 Entries ................................................1
      2.1 People
      2.2 Names
      2.3 Restrictions
      2.4 Places
      2.5 Groups
   3 Categories and Subentries...............................3
      3.1 Pictures
      3.2 Posthumous
      3.3 Works
      3.4 Autographs
      3.5 Books
      3.6 Decorations
      3.7 Miscellaneous
      3.8 Places
   4 Sources.................................................4
      4.1 Arrangement
      4.2 Short Titles
      4.3 Volume Numbers
      4.4 Edition Codes
      4.5 Page, Plate, Figure, and Catalogue Numbers
      4.6 Descriptive Abbreviations
      4.7 Multiple Sources
   5 Annotations and References..............................6
   6 Cross-References........................................7
   7 Appendixes..............................................7
   8 Ancillary Indexes ......................................7
   9 The Plates..............................................7
   10 Dates..................................................8
      10.1 Of People
      10.2 Of Paintings and Drawings
      10.3 Of Photographs
   11 Photographers..........................................8
   12 Differences between Editions ..........................8

   13 Scope..................................................9
      13.1 People
      13.2 Works
      13.3 Locations
      13.4 Books
      13.5 Newspapers
      13.6 Periodicals
   14 Archives..............................................10
   15 Conclusion............................................10
Symbols and Abbreviations ..................................11

Iconography A-W ............................................13

Appendix A The Cameron Photographs of Julia Stephen .......311
         B Leslie Stephen's Photograph Album and a Note
           on the Monks House Photographs..................317
         C Information from the Beresford Day-Books........323
         D Check-List of Groups............................324
         E Maps in Sources Listed for Other Illustrations. 326
         F References......................................327
         G Sources.........................................329

Index of Artists...........................................361
Index of Locations.........................................363
Index of Photographers.....................................364
General Index..............................................365